Nurse, nurse, nurse!!! LOL 

My kids do get cs - they are 1yr and 4yrs and I did give it to the baby
when she was 4 months..although I'm still not sure on my opinion on that
;-) I'm not sure about if you take it if the baby will benefit through
your milk, someone else can probably answer that. 

I can tell you however that I have read that vitamin c and other
vitamins and herbs etc. that you take, the baby can benefit from through
your milk.

When we had whooping cough/pertussis last year for 3 months my baby was
only 4 months old at the beginning, her brother was 3yrs. By taking mega
doses of sodium ascorbate (vitamin c) we were able to turn it around. I
was taking 10 grams a day and breastfeeding(alas I wonder what a
nebulizer and cs would have done in the very beginning???)...anyhow,
from what I read it is rare for a breastfed baby and mother to get
pertussis or sick UNLESS they are both critically low in vit c. Anyhow
other forms of vit c can be really hard on the baby- mine cried like
crazy... the sodium ascorbate is buffered and we found it worked well
for us. There is a lot of info on sodium ascorbate if you google. It is
excellent for colds, flus and ongoing system strength.

I also took and do take oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, garlic,
Echinacea, kale/chard/carrot juices,  etc.  when breastfeeding if she is
unwell and my baby was able to benefit from that. An excellent book
worth reading is Superimmunity for Kids by Dr. Leo Galland... it gives
specific info to help boost our childrens immune system, he does believe
that kids worldwide are in trouble nutritionally despite our best
efforts. Also one of the best books to have on hand IMO if you don't
already have it, that I always give for shower gifts is Smart Medicine
for a Healthier Child. Not only does it have homeopathic, herbal,
nutritional advice for all ailments A-Z but it also has convention
allopathic advice thereby making it ideal for all parents to have on
hand. Another great one is Aviva Jill Romm's Healthy Babies..... she
gives specific herbal advice and recipes and dosages etc.

I have found other great ideas and support at herbal

If you happen to live in Canada I also belong to a holistic parenting
group  .

Hugs, and I hope your babe is feeling better soon!



-----Original Message-----
From: Kandee Edge [] 
Sent: March 6, 2006 5:09 PM
To: List Silver
Subject: CS>silver and breastfeeding

When taking CS during breastfeeding, can the benefits
of it pass to the child as well.  I have a 3 month old
who has a nasty cold and was wondering if I took
CS...would it help her.  I have not yet starting
taking CS.  I'm still a newbie.


        Kandee, mom to Hannah and Grace

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