Here is  Dr Jose Luis Diaz Barboza,   Director Medico
 Info on Stem Cell, I sent this last yr.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
Los Algodoens, B.C. Clazada Saratoga  #443
phone :01 (658)517-7783,  517-7252
e-mail : <>
Web page      This
web page is one he 
contributs to but is maintained by others.
Dr. Diez as he is called in person is going to Huston,
Tex next week for 
a week long siminar, then on to Cuba for a month I
think he said,?
I was so lucky to even get in to his office. I met
people form all over 
ameica there waiting to see this Dr.
He also has offices in Tijuana, B.C.    Mexicalia,
B.C.     and PO Box 
in Winter Haven Ca. 92283

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

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