From: "Teri Johnston" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 10:23 PM

When visiting a good friend this week he inquired if I knew of any way to prevent Calcium Oxilate Kidney stones. His doctor recommended diet changes and a supplement but he is forming new stones in spite of this. If anyone has any suggestions I could pass along I know he would appreciate it.

My son-in-law, a pilot with a major airline, was grounded in February with a calcium oxalate stone. It was 3 weeks after he passed the stone before he could fly again. He had to prove, by bloodwork, and 24-hour urine collections that his blood and kidneys no longer showed the parameters for forming further stones.

In addition to slavishly following the recommended diet, he takes potassium citrate and in the only instance of ever heeding his mother-in-law's nutritional recommendations, <G>, he's also taking magnesium and B-6.

So far, he's just fine. He is required by the airline to constantly be tested for this as the last thing the airline wants is the Captain doubled over and howling in pain at 30,000 feet.


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