From: "Brooks Bradley" <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:01 PM

Quick note: I've read it and I "second the motion"!


              Dear Membership,
As most of you know, from time to time I have an inexplicable outbreak of "inchoate ramblings"....tonight is one of those. Throughout the immediately-past 55 years of searching/seeking through scientific/philosophical academia I have, on rare occasions, come across a book of unusually powerful dimensions. I wish to share with you, now, such a find. This brief little book is as startling and powerful in impact (at least to me), as any I have ever read------and I have read thousands (as an avid reader for the past 50+ years....averaging over 3 books a week one can see that is no idle statement). It presents a mind-altering proposition relating to the field of Biology. Written in a prose totally understandable to the entire layman audience, its central theme is (to me at least) little short of revolutionary. Dr. Lipton's presentation addresses the reigning precepts of the current mainstream Biological Reductionism.....with a frontal attack it cannot withstand. I do not want to spoil any possible "ah-hah" moments by summarizing its contents for anyone interested (who has not previously read it)in reading it. I will, however, state that his treatment of the dynamics of the "CELL" are nothing short of riveting.....both in import and clarity of explanation. Were I still teaching in academia, and Biology was my tenured subject....I would require all of my students to read this book. No matter what their conclusions might be.....the challenges toward independent reflection are more than sufficient to justify its reading. Written in large type and only 205 pages in will read faster than than the Sports Page in the newspaper. You will be taken on a fascinating journey covering microbiology, a truly understandable explanation of how proteins actually control the movement of life, (plus illustrations of how it is done), how cells actually "educate themselves", how life programs itself: the true nature and role of DNA (Boy, will you be surprised); what is most influential in controlling the life of the cell (its not what you may have thought) and the true brain of the cell..... plus much more of the concepts which have given birth to the entire discipline of Epigenetics and the astounding effects of environment upon the actions of cells. Dr. Lipton's comments on the effects of Quantum Physics impacting Biology are, alone, worth reading this volume (Actually, he is the ONLY biologist I have known of-----who possesses an actual working knowledge of quantum physics). The book is entitled "The Biology of Belief", by Bruce Lipton, Phd. For what it may be worth, this is the first and only book I have ever publicly touted large numbers to read. You may not be as enthusiastic about it as am I......but I bet you will be (at least the intellectual "envelope pushers" like Marshall Dudley, Ole Bob, Jim Holmes, Mike....and many others). Mine is not a better way, mine is just a different way. My apologies for taking up so much bandwidth with this epistle, but I promise to restrain myself for another year.....if I last that long.
                              Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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