Morning Sandee,
>>At 09:17 AM 4/30/2006, you wrote:
>From my own experience taking CS through a scanner
has no effect on it, however I like Wayne's suggestion -
Wayne where can I see what you have created ?
This one fits into the shirt pocket, uses no batteries or solar
power. Instead it uses the 52 Volts DC from any phone line.
Some phone power may read as low as 48 VDC but still better than
3 9's , a six volt, 12, or 24 volt power supply.
It does serve as a phone line tester of sorts so I made a few labels that
say, "Phone line tester". The average person would think that is all
that it does. The complete unit is built into a surface phone terminal
block. Thus a standard phone cord connects it to the local phone outlet.
The parts are 1 LED, 1 resistor, and a full wave bridge rectifier. Plus
a short 2 conductor wire and the alligator clips.
Why do we need a full wave bridge when we have DC voltage to start with?
The LED is polarity sensitive. Phone line polarity could keep the LED
from working. The full wave bridge makes everything work lovely
regardless of the input polarity. The red alligator clip will always be
positive and the black will always be negative.
Of course the silver electrodes can be either polarity, but not the LED.
With some eye training, the led works as a current monitor and I actually
reject water based on LED intensity.
I have some good pictures of this critter but I am on the road and
possibly.......... they are not on my laptop. Everything is supposed to
be on the laptop. Maybe I simply can't find it at the moment, however my
pictures of several years are very well organized.
Some people are concerned about the legality of this device. Virtually
everything you plug into a phone line uses as much or more current than the
Phone CS generator.
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