maybe some of you have noticed, the noise comin out of our elected people is pickin up the bird flu scare tactic again. and with the archives not available to us now, it would be appropriate, in my humble opinion, for all of us to start sharing what each of us is going to lay in as their protocol to protect their inner circle.

tonight, on rfd-tv, a channel on Dish tv Network, this dude from the minnessota state governmental agency in charge of agricultural stuff was esplaining how they thought the h5 virus would spread into the northamerican continent. in the spring, when the mating process will get underway, alaska will be the breeding grounds for a very large portion of the bird species population. will there be infected flocks of many wild species of fowl, you betchum. then comes the migration south to hatch the young. here comes the problem, the mixing of wild fowl with the domestic, and/or local fowl, and the subsequent spread of the virus. unknowing owners will help spread any virus by bird feces on boots and/or clothing. this report, of course, is brought to us by the same agricultural state agency that will shut down a dairy, for cleaning the teets of their cows to stop mastitus. but, at least their logic seems ok, so far.

so far, i've started to lay in a supply of bottled water, 90 days supply, canned foods, beans, grains, enough to last 90 days, which was a recommendation by some knowledgable source as to the longest period of disruption. of course, i've got my gallon jugs of eis and my supplements and vitamins, my "ultrasonic humidifier", several bottles of dmso, and other normal survival items. there are a bunch of "veterans" on this site that i would like to compare notes with. how about it????


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