What is the dosage in each pill? 








-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Berger [mailto:bober...@swbell.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:48 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>CMO question was, Re: CS>CMO results




The protocol of 2 pills three times per day was established by the Eric
Harborn Research foundation, so that is what I used and it worked for me.


"Ole Bob"

sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com> wrote:

My husband has been having lots of trouble with his knees and I've 
ordered CMO for him.

Robert writes he took the entire 60 pills over a 10 day period, then 
stopped and awaited results which showed up about 5 weeks later, but 
others seem to be saying they are taking far less per day but taking CMO 
daily over a period of many weeks to months.

Have I understood what people are saying correctly? Why so much 
variation in dosing?