Dear Debbie,
    It is possible to read almost "anything" on the Internet....about ANYTHING. 
 However, regarding Electrically Isolated Silver......there is, to our 
knowledge, no officially recorded incident of a human being dying from 
ingesting this form of colloidal silver.  There have our 
knowledge....cases involving Silver Protein compounds which have been posted as 
a principal or controlling factor in human beings.  We have not been able to 
substantiate the actual reliability of ANY of these claims....including those 
indirectly endorsed by the FDA.
       Additionally, posting a cause of death on a post-morteum document DOES 
NOT (in all cases) prove to be the fact.  The posted conclusions are, in many 
cases, the best estimate of the coroner.......not irrefutable fact.
        It is not my intent to declare that no one has died as a direct result 
of metallic silver particle ingestion----from any cause.  However, I do contend 
in favor of the position that there does not presently exist (in any of the 
sources examined by our staff) positive evidence of a single fatality from the 
ingestion of EIS-type colloidal silver (non-compounded) ANY 
concentration reported within the spectrum-of-uses reported (500 ppm is the 
highest we have any direct familiarity with).
        It is my singular opinion that such postings as the one which 
precipitated your inquiry.....will only increase in frequency, as the 
mainstream patented-drug firms accelerate their efforts to impugn the splendid
non-toxic effects of pure colloidal silver.  
         There is, to our knowledge, no single, non-toxic, substance presently 
extant which even approaches the efficacy of even the most primitive, homemade 
colloidal silver -----at least that has been our experimental research 
experience during the immediately-past eleven years.
           My apologies for this lengthy epistle......however, I claim your 
indulgence based upon temporary "uncontrollable rage", based upon the, 
repeated, childishly ridiculous positions stated by personages fronting for the 
FDA-Pharmaceutical combine.
            Most people spreading these unfounded indictments,
in all probability, have never prosecuted a controlled study of 
ANYTHING......much less one of medical import.
                 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  CEO. Eric Harborne
Research Foundation.

Original Message -----
> From: "Darn itsme" <>
> To:
> Subject: CS>Death by CS?
> Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:50:33 -0400
> Hi All,
> I've been a lurker here for quite a bit of time.  At one point or
> another you have answered all of my question somewhere along the lines
> with all of the posts and the wonderful information contained in them.
> Now I'm 99 9999999999.............% sure that I have seen that there has
> not been a single death that can be attributed to cs.  Am I correct on
> his?  I'm on another list with someone who says that they (in the past)
> have seen and posted that cs is listed as COD in a coroner's report that
> was on an FDA site.  Someone else says they can't find a thing on it.
> Does anyone here know, or has anyone heard about it?
> Debbie
> --
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