Thank you, Terry. That is incredibly sad news. I'm crying.

He never quite approved of how loosely I let the list run, but he 
always had time to assist the earnest newcomer.

"Ole Bob?" You'll be missed, mister. I hope you knew that.

Mike D.

> Folks:
> I just received this from Bob Berger's email address:
> Dear Friends,
> Bob Berger passed away on June 21, 2006 in the home. 
> He had suffered from congestive heart failure for some
> time.  I know you all share my sorrow and had a deep
> regard for Bob and his work.
> I won't be keeping this email address.  Thank you for
> your communications with Bob.  They were a big part of
> his life.
> Audrey Berger

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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