Bob, I and my family members, experienced Herxheimer
effects at the beginning of using CS.  I started
buying mine from Trace Minerals and then bought a
machine to make it and a TDS meter to test PPM and
have been sick one time in the past 18 mos.  The "H"
effect lasted about 1 - 2 mos as I had a lot of
sicknesses in me and the sickness I encountered last
year was due to allergies.  Try taking Rexall brand
Acidophillus (daily) and you should experience some
intestinal relief.  It works for me.  CS really does
work!  Scott<><

--- Staya Udanvti  Bob Butler <>

> Osiyo Paul!
> See the herxheimer reaction website:
> Love
> Bob
> Adageyudi
> Staya Udanvti
>   Original Message ----- 
>   From: paul mccourt 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:49 PM
>   Subject: CS>CS Results
>   My wife and I are 5 weeks into a 8 week program
> suggested by my chiropractor of 4 oz. of 80ppm CS
> twice a day.
>   I have Colitis and she has Fibromyalgia. 
>   He was also concerned re eliminating possible
> mycoplasm.
>   Both my wife and I have recently experienced
> episodes of nausea and light-headedness/dizziness.
> The chiro did suggest some "funky" things would
> start to happen about this point in the program, but
> didn't elaborate.
>   Has anyone shared these symptoms or can enlighten
> as to wether they could be connected to CS?
>   Paul McCourt

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