Ag Listers, BB and JBB,

I've now had my EFT DVD's for some 9 weeks -- two sets of the 4 sets of DVD's 

Have casually perused them (not all of them) -- I've applied the technique for 
high blood pressure -- reduced mine significantly (after 6 weeks) -- from: 
182/116 to 140/90.

I applied the technique 4 times in this time period -- also immediately before 
my doctor visit in my motor vehicle. I will never take blood thinning 
medication anyway!

I have an optometrist visit this week and hope to also have improved my 
eyesight a little -- I'll let you know. Have now applied the technique some 3 
times and will apply it some two more times before the actual visit. Takes me 
about ten minutes to apply the technique. I also have to admit I'm a little 
haphazzard with it -- I don't totally keep to the DVD routines -- and after you 
see the DVD routines in difffierent settings -- it's not entirely necessary to 
stick exactly to the applied routines -- but I do apply broadly what is being 

I dare say one will have to repeat all the individual applications occasionally 
-- this just makes good sense.

The moderator, Gary Craig readily answers questions -- explanational help is 
only an email away. Also go directly to Gary Craig's sight to order the course 
-- it's cheaper!!

I have absolutely NO connection with the sight -- I'm just a very pleased 

Douglas H

---- "Jonathan B. Britten" <> wrote: 
> Anyone who gives the placebo effect any thought at all will realize 
> that most medical doctors are, well,  indoctrinated to precede "the 
> placebo effect"  with the adjective "only."   This way of thinking is 
> deranged.
> An open-minded person would be tremendously excited by this effect, and 
> I suppose B. Bradley is among these.
> Rapid, self-induced self-healing seems astounding to me.   The report 
> from Mr. Bradley makes me all the more eager to try EFT.   I remember 
> well my scornful dismissal of "reflexology" when I first heard of it.  
> These days, I am quite familiar with organ representation points all 
> over the body, and methods to make use of them.
> Three cheers for the "placebo effect,"  which desperately needs a new 
> name that does justice to its powers.
> On Monday, Jul 17, 2006, at 11:11 Asia/Tokyo, brooks76009 wrote:
> >  I am not recommending EFT as a treatment for anything-----just 
> > relating my personal experience. If it was a PLACEBO EFFECT, it was 
> > the most powerful of which I have ever heard
> --
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