First things first!
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Now to the question: About five years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme by a physician after a great deal of arguing to even be tested. He said I couldn't have Lyme as it wasn't prevalent in this area. As if I had never strayed from this area in my whole life.
 Later I had found CS and used it to cure the problem.
I'd had Lyme for 42 years, long before they had a name for it. and never took their antibiotics.The Protocol was: First I took enough to make sure the Herx wouldn't be to bad to handle. Then I took A pint of 20 ppm all at once followed by four ounces every 20 waking minutes for three days. On the night of the third day I awoke with a great energetic feeling somewhat like breaking a fever.
 Thats all there was to it.

A few days ago, After being bit by something like 55 ticks in Arkansas and Missouri I asked to be checked for a tick born disease called Ehrlichiosis as it had killed my boy. Instead of that disease they checked me for Lyme and everything came back negative proving for once and for all that I did in fact kill Lyme. Now I have to go back and insist they check me for Ehrlichiosis which is a fatal disease. It attacks the bone morrow and causes internal bleeding.
 Dave wrote:

Has anyone on this list ever used CS successfully for lyme disease?
If so, how much and how long?

