
You are making the mistake of trusting the meter, not the generator. Meters should be used as a guide only. Your meter could be wildly inaccurate. And even when they are 'good' they only measure ions. And then you have to double what it says on TDS meter to give you a rough estimate of the ionic silver ppm. (Plus or minus 20% at least). Running the generator forever won't give you a continual increase in ionic ppm. In fact, the ionic ppm will start to go DOWN the longer you run it as the ever-increasing size and number of particles begins to suck silver ions out of solution faster than they can be produced. But your TOTAL ppm IS increasing for as long as the generator is switched on - thats Faradays Law - you just can't measure it with a meter anymore. Your meter might say 10ppm but it could be 20 or 30ppm in total - or much, much higher if its strongly colored.

What sort of water are you using? The generator is simply releasing silver ions into the water. What the water then 'does' with those ions is the real key - and sometimes the generator can't do much about that.


Hello all,

I've had the Silver Puppy for about a year and a half and have never been able to make CS stronger than 14ppms.

It turns off after about 4 hours and instructions said that it turns off at 20ppms, but that is totally untrue. When it turns off, my TDS meter shows "4." If I switch over to manual mode and turn it back on for 2-4-6-10 hours it NEVER goes above 7ppms however many hours i run it.

I'm really unhappy with this thing, I've already replaced it once because it just stopped working all together but it still just doesn't work as it was represented.

Has anyone any thoughts on this? Is there something I'm doing wrong or missing?

If this is how it is, I'm getting another type of unit. What would be your recommendations?

Thank you,

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