When doing these home tinctures, alcohol most of the times
refer to vodka. Most alcohol content is listed in "proof" as
in 80 proof. which means that 80 proof equals 40% alcohol by
volume. 40 proof is 20% alcohol. Proof equals 1/2 alcohol .
As a preservative different herbs may call for different
percentages alcohol. I am not sure what percentage cayenne
calls for, but I'm pretty sure only needs 10-20% by volume
alcohol.  Also as Tabasco and others only use vinegar
(acetic acid) is more economical but not as "hot" as

By question is what would the combination of Colloidal
Silver and vinegar or alcohol be?
Maybe CS as a preservative would not need anything else (but
it does not seem to work that particular way.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
Santa Cruz, CA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nave [mailto:dan.n...@nilfisk-advance.com]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 10:18 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Travel Kit Emergency


I looked up how Richard Schulze makes his tinctures.  His
rule of thumb
is that after the herb and the alcohol are blended together
(in a
blender) you let the solids, the herbs, settle.  The alcohol
should be
showing above the level of the herbs, but only about half as
much as the
height of the herbs.  That is, the alcohol above the level
of the herbs
should be 25% to 50% compared to the level of the settled
herbs.  This
gives one strong tincture that will work...


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt [mailto:cwfug...@earthlink.net]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 9:55 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Travel Kit Emergency

Morning Linda,

 >> At 08:54 AM 9/1/2006, you wrote:

    I wonder if our old survival list still works?

>Is there a book I can get with this information, plus the
other 9?  We
>are getting ready to travel full-time, and I am trying to
assemble the
>best possible medical kit to take along.

     As you can imagine, I have a few ideas and suggestions.

I find things in my pantry that amazes me, ........ that I
do not even
know how they got there.

One is an Emergency Surgery Kit.   Not sure everyone would
need one of
these.  It looks like something a doctor or surgeon would
carry when
traveling light to another country.    I suppose today it
would make the

owner a terrorist or he could not get it on the plane.

Actually, I think anyone that flies has forgotten about
altogether anyway.

If you missed the publication by Dr. David Williams
containing what he
carries when he goes to other countries,
I have a few copies.  ( Hard Copy, not electronic Copies )
Likely you
find this on his website.

>I'm on my way to the health store as I finish this for the
cayenne to
>start with (having now been convinced that Tabasco Sauce is
only a poor


     I am making 4 pints of Cayenne Tincture.  Not sure how
it is going
to turn out yet.

     more ideas later...........


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