It's good to hear from you again, Faith.

Please don't take offense. I don't thing anybody was angry. The most I 
saw was some mild annoyance! <grin>

Thanks for turning it off. Return reciept request is only useful on the 
rare occasion when it's really important to know when somebody gets a 
message. It's unlikely to be of value on a mailing list.

Congratulations on your retirement. It sounds to me like you are the 
right kind of person to enjoy the heck out of it! <smile>

My best to you and Vilma.


Mike D.

> Well,
> thought I'd write a few things,
> then got many remarks about "reply requested".
> Can anybody, instead of sending me agry notes,
> explain what the problem is?
> For your information:
> I turned it off.
> Take Care,
> Faith
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]