Dear Carlos,

It sounds like you are making good progress. Please remind us of the 
design of your generator and the "recipe" that you follow, so we can 
have a better idea of what your CS is like.

The odds are good you'll be able to increase to at least a cup or two 
per day in spaced doses without fear, assuming it's the same 10 to 15 
ppm that most of us make.

If you want to minimize whatever small chance there is of causing 
argyria, merely supplement with small doses of vitamin E and selenium 
for the duration of your use of larger doses.

In addition, since Ehrlichiosis is so similar to Lyme in its pathology, 
you should look into some of the other treatment protocols Lyme disease 
patients have been using to treat themselves.

Our friend Robb Allen, his colleague Bryan Posner, and others who 
populate the magpulser, EnergyPulser, and microelectricitygermkiller 
Yahoo! groups are all people you should become acquainted with. Bryan 
and Robb both kicked chronic Lyme with a spectrum of therapies they 
developed. Bryan published a book about his research, in fact.

Stay in touch and let us know how you get along. Good luck!

Be well,

Mike D.

> Hello, friends,
> Again, I would like to know if there is anyone with experience in
> treating Ehrlichiosis with CS.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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