Hello, it´s me again (Different subject every time!!)

Even though my CS is by now totally transparent an practically as colorless as the bi-distilled water I use (only an almost imperceptible hint of yellow), and with many indications of mostly very small (nano size) particles being produced, I am getting a bright, slightly darkened "plating" on the inside of the 450 ml glass I use to produce my CS. Could this also happen to my teeth?

Could this mean that my CS is not good enough yet?

I read somewhere that the glass should be cleaned by dry-rubbing it with the soft green ScotchBrite material that I use to clean the electrodes with, and later rinse the glass with distilled water.

Is this "tarnish" equivalent to the case recently mentioned in the list and responded by Ode with a suggestion to use aluminum foil to correct it?

In the meantime, after several batches, today I filled the glass with water, added some salt and put a piece of aluminum foil inside. After several hours, I don´t know if it is my imagination, but it seems to be working!.

I will tell you later.


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