
Thanks for the advice, but that ain't me, babe. I stopped smoking cigarettes in 1978, stopped drinking (again) earlier this year, and I have taken megadoses of vitamins for decades. (Right now a max dosage multiple vit/min., plus 1g C, 500mg magnesium daily plus others.)

I don't know what resource you researched, but none of what you say is correct. DC is an inherited condition, through the mother (she has it) to male heirs only (2 brothers do too), of predominantly northern European descent (we're Irish). I also have used my hands a lot, since I'm a lifelong daily journalist/writer.

The surgery technique is brutal, essentially ripping the palms and fingers open and stripping off the fibrous tumors, and then stitching it back up. Takes many months for full restoration of use. HOWEVER, there are several doctors in the U.S. who have learned a relatively new French technique which is done as outpatient office procedures. The doctor I'm seeing is in Idaho, an ER surgeon, and he was a DC victim who found this French technique. It's done with local anesthetic and reportedly has little down time. It will be a $2500 office visit.

That said, I'd still like to do it by taking potassium magnesium, and vit. c, or anything else for that matter, which might preclude surgery from being a necessity, which it is fast approaching. CS doesn't help. (Mandatory CS reference.)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Acmeair" <res00...@verizon.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Dupuytren's Contracture

i did research on the 'net for this disease for a friend. he had already had the operation on one hand, and the other was curling. he also was having heart arrythmia's. he drank a lot, and smoked. basically, all of his health issues pointed at a defficiency of potassium, magnesium, vitamin c. you can lead a horse to water, as the saying goes. he just had the second hand operated on. google it, and search all your health sites. jim

Bill Missett wrote:

Does anyone on either list have any experience/remedies for Dupuytren's Contracture?

(It's a relatively benign hereditary condition in which the tendons to the fingers become covered with fibrous tumors, which cause the fingers to bend, or contract, eventually into a curl.)

I'm facing surgery for this condition in the fall, and would like to know of any holistic treatments possible.

TIA,  Bill Missett

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