Do your "colonics " involve cs ? best regards Richard
On 17/09/2006, at 1:30, Sandee George wrote:

How about trying some colonics from a good colonic therapist - keeping
the colon
clean is one of the aspects of good health which many do not adhere to
of what has to be done to achieve the end, however as the colon abuts on
to most if
not all of the major and important organs of the body it is the most
important thing
to keep clean and in good condition - it has been proved that there is re
from a dirty colon back into the organs close to it which causes serious
and conditions - as I am a colon therapist amongst other things - I have
a very good idea
of what I am talking about, I give myself a good colonic irrigation once
a month - not only
does this therapy clean the colon it also massages the walls of the colon
which keeps
it in good condition and working order - so I strongly suggest you
investigate this
aspect for good health.

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