My impression is that, although some individuals, especially those who
tend to be constipated, may have problems with waste not moving through
the bowels, most people can pretty much completely evacuate with
laxatives like Epsom Salt. I also do not believe that most people have
mucoid plaque completely covering their intestines.  

On the other hand, I don't disbelieve the reports of these things coming
out during a process of bowel cleansing.  From my (slight experience
and) reading on Hygienic Fasting I have come to the conclusion that most
of this mucoid plaque is an exudate from the bowel as a result of the
cleansing process.


-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Ellis [] 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 7:51 AM
Subject: CS>Health-related, but not CS

I'm trying to resolve a conflict in my mind, and it occurs to me that
the excellent minds in this group might have the answers....

When we talk about colon cleanses, I keep hearing or reading about all
the gunk that is impacted into the colon, causing all kinds of health
problems.  There's even a guy on late-night TV around here selling "The
Almighty Cleanse" who shows pictures of what this stuff impacting the
colon looks like, and he claims that John Wayne's autopsy showed he had
40 pounds of gunk in his colon.

Okay, the logic problem I have here is, I had a colonoscopy done last
year, and I was awake and watching the monitor with the doctor.  I had,
of course, done the epsom salt thing the night before to clean things
out.  I didn't see any gunk stuck to the lining of my colon.  

Is it really possible that I have this rubber tire stuff further up my
in my intestinal system, and that none of it is in the lower part that
can be viewed by colonoscopy?

I'm working with a Naturopath right now, and she has recommended that I
take a product called OxyCleanse for a while.  I'm happy to do that.  It
just defies logic to me that the bottom of my colon can be cleaned out
so quickly with just that drink the doctor had me take the night before
the colonoscopy, but the stuff further upstream hasn't been moved by the
same stuff.....

BTW, I have pretty regular bowel movements, once or twice a day.  They
are light brown in color, do not float, are not hard to expel, and seem
to have decent "girth."  

The reason I'm working with the Naturopath is to get rid of about 80
pounds of extra weight and get my blood pressure down with natural
means.  I've tried adding Magnesium and Calcium, but I have been
unsuccessful on my own, so I thought I'd enlist the aid of a pro....

Thanks for any input anybody would care to share....and I'm happy to
move to OT if this becomes a big discussion.


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