Indeed, this is the place to speak up.  Thanks to the people on this group 
who have reported and exposed the salesmen who rubbish "CS" in order to sell 
their product I was ready when my friend rang me in a panic after having 
received some material warning of the dangers of colloidal silver.  We 
bought our CS generators together  the same day, though we live hours apart, 
and keep in touch about health stuff.  Straight away I asked what they were 
selling, and she told me, yeah, sure, some safe super duper silver.  She 
took a bit of convincing at first, but when I quoted you guys and how this 
sort of thing is "always" being reported, she took comfort.  What low down 
tactics.  Oh well, warning bells now ring whenever the ploy is to rubbish 
the opposition, whether on price or product.  The liars have queered the 
pitch for the people with genuine warnings about stuff, though, probably.

First question, then: "What's he selling?"

Thanks again Citizen Mike for keeping the group going for us to keep 


sorry for my sarcasm
but who can i tell if i cant tell you guys

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