Paticake...i also found these white small objects in urine and under the 200x proscope microscope which puts the image on tv...they look like strange shaped plastic, and similar to what i find coming out of my facial pores with some help opening the skin with cream. I have prayed to find answers, and this proceedure is working well for me...but tedious, and i know no science so i feel like a child just wanting to get a splinter out. I am not suggesting that you or anyone else would ever have to deal with this strange situation i find myself in, however, be encouraged by my experiement, that there is a way to uproot "fiber bites"in a simple, non toxic way without pinching, poking, or invading the deeper layers of skin. Under my microscope this does appear similar to other websites posting pictures of what is called morgellons. This post i submitted to the yahoo group finding1cure. ....(but not the p.s. at bottom)

stareing into the new 10x mirror i got at walmart($6), and putting
miraclefoot aloe cream(walgreens$9)on my face. After it drys i
scrape it off and then using my sharp angled tweezers i spend hours
lifting off the white swollen fiber globs that the cream makes erupt
from the pores on my face. Sometimes after one comes out, several
more follow...its as though they are crammed in the pore and want
out. It is in this manner .. i now have uncovered 26 varrying in
size "bouquets" forming lesions. By repeting this proceedure for
hours intermitintly, the bouquet of fibers opens and begins to
bleed. Then i switch the application to baking soda because it keeps
the area from closing up and allows it to bleed out. The largest
lesion i have, above my lip, and embedded for 9 years...after many
weeks of this application, and one day of bleeding out at a trickle
into baking soda for almost 9 finally not swollen, and
has no more goo or fibers embedded in it, and is a smooth open
crater of normal skin. I am adding sovereign silver (vitimin shoppe
or whole foods(about $12)when i end each session, to help restore
(promotes non-differential cells for healing), and because it is a
non toxic antibiotic, and hopefully will help not leave a scar...we
shall see. That is the worst lesion i have so far, and thus the many
others are treated in the same way, but less time consuming, but
still taking much time for allowing the process of tending to the
bodies natural process of erupting this irritant once it is
uncovered. I dont know, beyond what im doing...what all this means,
but i find my pores are looking much smaller, and my face less
swollen, and am surprised at how gory this gets letting a sore bleed
out. It seems i have scrubbed baking soda thru about a dimes width
of a skin like looking covering on my face..with no pain. Using a
credit card for this scraping , which has apparently become my new once this process is started, is hard to not tend
to...has become amusingly, the only profitable asset of owning a
credit card, and surprisingly a profitable way of dealing with this
mystery. P.S. The fibers in the ulcer, are white, in a clear gluey semi soft and stretchy verticle bundle, but impossible to pull out , and must be softened by the aloe or soda, perhaps because they are embedded or grown into the skin beneath the ulcer. The area in the ulcer that bleeds, is from the deepest fibers, which only God knows...may have traveled into other areas? The goo is clear to light amber and speckeled with red dots. I call them "paint pots", because the blood is a strange color of bright red, which i suspect is the red dots diluted? The contents of the ulcer are surrounded by a thin but strong rim. When treated with soda which also drys can be lifted off in a complete circle. This rim is in horizontal layers down thru the creation in the ulcer, and has to be treated layer by layer. Until the whole of the fibers in the ulcer are removed....the ooze(or goo) that emerges from the white fibers...have the ability to reproduce a new layer in seconds. At this time, on the outside of the circle of the rim, on the surface of the skin.....white fibers can be seen emerging thru single pores, equal distant around and about the ulcer, as like preparing posts for the goo to spill over unto and thus grow. Once the sore is done bleeding out however....the bottom of the lesion is now close to the top....and almost at its last stand. What looks like a flesh covered "mosquito bite" on the surface of the skin before being treated....soon gets worse before it gets better, because...the shape of the ulcer can now open, and it is like a hersey kiss triangle hidden under the skin. So, it enlarges at first to reveal itself, the soda pulls up the fibers, it responds by creating more goo, and another rim. This is the frightening part....the goo instantly creates a new pattern in the ulcer(mine looked like one side of a butterfly wing). The good news is that with patience ,as the cream and then soda works on bringing this out....the layers are eroded faster than the contents of the ulcer can recreate(but,the layers run deep and are many it seems so its not a quick process with this method,but success does come with patience over time. The reproduction of the goo process can be stopped by the application of silver. The bleeding out can be stopped by silver....thus i have been able to adjust the time factor in dealing with this. The next days session begins therefore where i left off. I have noticed that if i run late for the evening session.....i feel movement in the sore, and in looking can see some swelling of new goo. So, this is a big commitment to begin the process, and i dont know if its the body calling out for help getting this out on a timely basis, or if the fibers in the sore have a trigger to expand about 24 hours after a session. I would love to buy the silver ion tipped electrode someone mentioned available on the internet for $100, and just zap the area several times a day and be done with this. I cant figure out if that would be a solution, as the silver is only one aspect of this treatment i have used. I humbly submit this in hopes others with more knowledge would advise. I also give many thanks to Trey, for his Silvergen has enabled me to generously spray all my tools and skin throughtout this process. I could never have the courage to even begin this endevor without his machine faithfully making more clear Eis to remove this irritant. I have also purchased the curad silver bandages, both the dry, and the gel. It feels good to just cover the area and "be done with it". I like the gel ones the best, but it seems leaving the area open is just fine also. The silver "quiets"the ulcer and keeps it at bay. Im daily surprised and grateful for the clean tidy look around these treated sores, no swelling from last nights session, no infection, progress in the ulcer coming to the surface. This is by far the strangest thing i have ever dealt with, but, and happily im not a teenager having to go to school with spots on my face...however, throughout removing these im not embarrased to go out to do errands, and i attribute that to the amazing effect of the silver in dealing with this. Is this parasites coming out of the body, is it a enviormental toxin....i dont know. What i do know is that it feels great to get it out. Will it return...hope to God not. Will this stop any effects in the rest of the body...i hope. Im feeling strong, able to hike, ...never had an outbreak of these lesions til i did a baking soda mask and looked in the 10x magnifying mirror and saw the fibers poping out. ONe thing then led to another, and so i report my experience...and have not heard of anyone else doing this. I do recall, as these come years past..this area on my face itched a bit, or that area had a sore under the skin that bothered for a while then "went away". Now, those former irratants are in the trash and truely history, thank God!
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