My apologies, in advance for making a post on this matter, but I was overcome by the urge to comment on the general situation. It does not require an intellect of the Rhodes Scholar level to comprehend the biological bases....for both the Swarming characteristic among any uncontrolled population ....without regard to the population's position on its consciousness evolution scale....and the biological Crash which results from outstripping its food supply----are an INEVITABLE consequence********at least in this dimension of existence.
Without descending into specious arguments analogous to "numbering possible angels dancing on a pin-head", I offer this thought for consideration relative to what, exactly, is considered over-population? Is it one of "just quantitative numbers" equating raw numbers of bodies versus land mass arranged geographically? Or is it somewhat more qualitative in nature? I call your attention to the claim that EACH present U.S. citizen (circa 2004) places approximately 42 times the demand upon the earth's does a single person in India. Using this criteria....our TRUE population exceeds theirs by a large margin.
Since time immemorial, pundits from the Intellectual Aristocrats, to the purveyors of "All Men are Equal" bromide...have contended for their peculiar paradigm addressing the nature of individual human worth. The basic fallacy of the All Men Are Equal contention is that it is misplaced in this dimension of existence. I believe one will discover, upon close study, that in its original premise, the invocation was meant as all men should be "Equal Before The Law"----thus giving Justice the final word. (History does not recount, exactly, which ego-centric minds among us us introduced the slight modification). No clear-minded person in nominal command of their faculties would seriously argue that we are all created ANY specific talent. (At least I contend this to be so.). Among 100 athletes contesting, there will always be one faster than the rest and one slower than the rest. This, in no way implies a value judgment that one is more valuable to the Un! iverse, than any other. Most especially if the concept of perpetuated by both advanced quantum physics....which demonstrates the non-local nature of the Universe, and the position of Avatars such as the Dalai Lama----and others of similar stature---that there is only ONE of us-------be embraced as an actuality.
The nub of the problem seems to lie in the fact that NO VIABLE SOLUTION appears feasible
until there occurs a paradigm shift in BELIEF! I offer no philosophical position or epistle outlining a course of deliverance from mankind's present quandary.....beyond an endorsement of the obvious......any choice made by free entities is a FREE choice, hence carries the unrelenting force of the universe behind it-----EFFECTS always flow directly from CAUSES-----without regard to humanity's self-constructed moralizing.
A long-dead missionary who served for many years in East Africa, related in his memoirs that he had decided the messages he had been delivering were woefully inadequate....for the natives he had been charged to SAVE. This conviction arose following a conversation the Bishop had with a Masai wise man; wherein the missionary asked the "UNLETTERED SAVAGE" what did this savage consider the proper and most valuable effort a person could his relation toward GOD?
The man's answer was, " Try to live toward the best I can imagine.".

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
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