That sounds like it would be good for SARS or Bird Flu...
Know anyone in China?


From: Rich Adams [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Large nebulizer for critters.

I made my own "whole house" nebulizer using one of those pond foggers
that resonate several small discs at a high ultrasonic rate.  I floated
the 'fogger' in a 10 gallon fish tank filled with CS.  The resultant fog
I collected and verified it contained silver.  The fog can practically
fill a house.
Rich Adams

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Medwith, Robert <>  
        To: 'cs' <>  
        Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 11:33 AM
        Subject: CS>Large nebulizer for critters.

        Anyone ever seen a dust collector for dry wall sanding. It is
powered by a vacuum cleaner (large shop one).
        You have a 5 gallon bucket  1/2  full of water. Bucket lid has 2
hose connection  the one for air inlet is below water,
        outlet is under side of lid. When you suck air  (with vacuum
cleaner) on top of water on sealed bucket you force all
        air into bucket through water. This action traps dust when you
sand (with a hose) drywall. Now if you do away with hose to sand and
fill bucket with CS or a mix of CS and water. Now you have the worlds
largest Nebulizer. You could run this in a pretty good size room, with
critters in room breathing in the CS. This could also disinfect the
room. Only draw back in a house you might   see some gray build up on
walls from silver. You could do this in a room you were going to paint,
let the moisture dry. After you paint   the paint would have silver in
it to stop mold. If we ever had contamination in air (God forbid) you
could use this large nebulizer to help clear a room. You could blow air
from vacuum cleaner in bucket below water and air out would be treated
same way. This way last 
        stop for air is through the air and not through the vacuum
cleaner. This would be a way to do any people or critters in room.
        Only draw back is noisy vacuum cleaner. The larger the vacuum
cleaner the more air forced through CS/Water.
        I have a large Sears Shop Vav and this system does a great job
catching drywall dust when sanding. It would make one heck of a