Zeb...thanks for the reply...I don't think I can get chicken pox, measels or 
the mumps...I keep cs in me and spraying around me all the time...I am getting 
really healthy and feeling great and just do not want the shots....I wonder if 
insurance would even cover for a teeter to see if I have antibodies to these? 
thanks again debbie

zeb caffe <jamaki...@yahoo.com> wrote:  Debbie, from what I understand, the 
vaccines that they made for these childhood illness werent quite strong enough 
and some people can get the virus after the shots. I don think that it is as 
heavy a dose of the virus as you would get if you contacted the mumps or 
measles naturally without the shot. The shots just may not make your body 
produce enough antibiodies. There are also theories that these childhood 
illnesses like chicken pox, measles, mumps etc actually can in some ways 
strengthen the immune system and that the use of vaccines is adversly affecting 
our immune systems. Maybe someday they will know for sure. I know that vets are 
cutting back on immunizations due to a high rise in allergies in dogs. there 
are so many things in our enviroment, who knows what the cause of all our 
sickness stem from. About the clay discussion, just wondering if anyone has 
heard that bentonite clay can be contaminated with heavy metals? I just read
 this the other day. Also today, I saw a homopathic silver product and wondered 
if anyone knew how that would differ from regular silver.    
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