Kirsteen said,
>I'd really like to be able to make my own CS. However
i'm just not up to making my own generator - very
technologically challenged. i was wondering if people
thought this silver maker would be any use.<

First off, this device is British, and runs on 230
volts. Secondly, at the current bid of 94 pounds, it
would be very expensive in US or Canadian dollars
(don't know which you are), plus the shipping from
England. No, you don't want this device.

Any number of folks on this list would be happy to
assemble a basic battery unit for you for considerably
less than the above unit. As Dan mentioned, do you
want a unit that will shut itself off when finished?
That will increase the cost some. What quantity of CS
do you want to brew per batch? For folks fighting
cancer or MS, etc., only being able to brew 8 to 16 oz
per batch can make it a hassle. Some folks here sell a
device that brews in the gallons-per-batch level (my
own, for example!). That will also increase the price
some. As you will see soon, there are several good
vendors on this list who sell quality devices. Keep
reading the posts here, you will see them. When you
see something that meets your needs, contact that
vendor directly.

Terry Chamberlin
Metabolic Solutions Institute

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