  My experience has always been the longer it runs the thicker it gets and that 
is not what we want.  The best CS is the clearest, smallest particle you can 
brew.  This is how Terry Chamberlain told us to do it (and it works!): 
  Set your timer.  Brew a batch until it starts getting a little Tyndall Effect 
to it. Stop timer and stop brewing.  Write down your time.  Pour your CS thru a 
coffee filter and let it set overnite.  The next morning, if it is yellow, back 
off of your time until you have a good, clear product.  That's it.  Good, clear 
product and absolutely effective! 
  As far as the TDS meter goes....don't need it.  I bought a meter too and the 
only thing I use it for now is testing my tap water.  The timer does the trick 
for me with the CS today.  God bless!
  In His Service,
  Scott Young <><

Smitty <> wrote:
  I just received a TDS1 meter from Hanna Instruments.

I tested a batch that I had brewing for 2 hrs
and it tested 013 ppm.

What would be a good reading in ppm for a brew ?
Also, is a darker, longer brewed batch going to
test higher ppm ?


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