Dear Ode,

Thank you for sharing your valuable information.
I tried 60 seconds & a lot of sludge built up-
then I tried 6 secs & a much smaller sludge buildup-
finally I got to 3 seconds &  reasonably clean sheet
electrodes that still needed a wipe but not billowing
veils of grayish clouds as at 60 secs .
That was at 27V , now I am controlling at 36V.

Milliamperage is controlled by the size of the
the sheet electrodes at about 0.2 mA/sq. cm.
Size 38 x 150mm.  Water at 1 quart/ liter.

There must be something I am doing incorrectly which is
distorting the polarity change.   I believe the time is too short
& that is why I am getting so much ion disappearance.
Why do I get veils of sludge at 60 seconds???
Current setting??    Voltage setting??
Phase of the moon??  Wrong magical incantations??
Replies copied to my email address would be greatly appreciated.
Julius Kabrun.

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