In a message dated 12/4/2006 8:37:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
  I have been giving her CS straight up for 2 days and
her fever went away after the visit to the doctor and
hasn't come back.  Is there any other way, other than
orally, that I can give her CS to combat a possible
UTI....I was at first under the impression she was
just teething, until the fevers were higher. Now with
the fevers gone, I still hope to avoid a catheter. 
It's been 16 hours since her last fever.
Hi Kandee.
  Hope your little one is much better.

  By UTI  do you meant Urinary Tract Infection?
  Why are you concerned about that?

  When I first began the C.S.  years ago  I started right off with loose 
stools and was concerned about getting a UTI...since C.S. is said to be an 
antibiotic  and antibiotics kill all the bacteria   both good and bad   and 
what leads to getting a UTI   I decided I had better up my daily intake of 

A good quality yogurt.
I use Stoneyfield Farms...used to use Dannon...but since learning that they 
use BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) in their dairys...I stopped using the Dannon..

Stoneyfield Farms is one of the best yogurts, I have found.

They have so many flavors that you should easily be able to find a few that 
your little one would enjoy.   V.