In a message dated 12/6/2006 5:58:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Osiyo Oginali!
Hello My Friends!

I have never heard of Turmeric (the spice) healing cartilage and bones. Can 
you please back this one up with documentation?.

I have used Turmeric for many years as an anti-inflammatory for my 
arthritis. I buy it bulk and put in 'O' size capsules and take two (about 
500 mg's) twice daily. It reduces the painful grating and finger trigger 
effect in my hands.

Staya Udanvti
**************Now thats what I wanted to hear, Bob...thanks for the info.
I am trying to reduce the Inflamation in my system...from Arthritis and Sinus 
Problems mostly.

I believe this inflamation is the cause of my Blood Pressure shooting up 

I have been taking medication for the H.B.P.  since May..
but I have been slowing weaning myself off of it the past few days..
.it is causing me to many other problems...and hasn't really done much to 
bring the B.P. down.

So in all my research..I have decided that the "Bottom Line"  for me is 

This is backed up by the results of C Reactive Protein test I had taken.

I am looking for Natural Ways to bring my B.P. into better levels..

.its in the 160 to 180 range Systolical  
and 90  to over 100 range in the Diastolic.

I also like the way you say you take the Tumeric...would work better for me 
than in food or a drink.  Thanks again...V.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bs clayton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 11:01 AM
Subject: CS>bone

> Turmuric is an effective healer of bones and
> cartilage. The remedy is to take one teaspoon in a
> glass of warm whole milk (or 2%) at bedtime. It needs
> some fat to work. If you don't drink milk, you could
> try full fat soymilk or something like that.
> After a couple of weeks, it is hard to tell there was
> a break.