Thanks for your reply, Mike,  I am not getting any messages either. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: "Ronald (& Susan)" <>,
Subject: Re: CS>Re: testing
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:07:42 -5

Dear Ron,

Your message appeared on the list just fine. I'm sending this answer to
the list *AND* to your own address. You should get two copies.

> The list appears to be silent and that is unusual.
> This is simply to test to see if my post makes it.
> If it does Mike- would you send a reply to us personally.... just to
> verify? As we are getting your personal emails but no list emails. Ron

The final explanation for all the issues is that:

a) The main server which handles mail suffered a hard disk failure.

b) The backup machine which took over was hobbled by less hard disk
space *and* having to do domain lookups via another machine rather than
its own process. It could not keep up with the volume and slowly
drowned under the strain.

c) The original machine, with new hard drives, was rebuilt with the
software configuration from the most recent backups and then had to
process the backlog.

d) A "mail storm" caused by a user mail-loop delayed (c).

I expect to hear soon that Robert has shuffled around some hardware and
re-planned the backup scheme to prevent a recurrence.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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