Do You Know Where Your Folder's Been?
Smead products with built-in antimicrobial protection
keep germs away

HASTINGS, Minn., Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- A seemingly
harmless cough or sneeze by your co-worker launches
germ droplets all over their office, easily attaching
to that file folder waiting to be passed around. When
it eventually lands on your desk, you not only get the
folder, you get the germs from your co-worker's
sneeze. Sound unlikely? This is the unpleasant
reality, unless it's a Smead Antimicrobial folder.

According to a University of Arizona study, the
average desk harbors 400 times more bacteria than the
average toilet seat.(1) Now, imagine how much of that
bacteria from co-workers' desks has attached to your
file folders. Since 99% of paper is actually "food"
for bacteria, that file folder marked "To Do" might
not get done for awhile -- if you get sick.

Antimicrobial Protection

Smead Manufacturing now has a solution to help
minimize the spread of germs in the office. By teaming
up with SilverCo, Smead now produces filing products
that offer exclusive antimicrobial protection. Using
patented antimicrobial technology, Smead folders are
produced with Silver Zeolite which kills 99.7% of the
bacteria, mold, mildew and fungus it comes in contact

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