So Mike,
Do you notice any health improvement from having your amalgam fillings replaced? Any negative effects? What did you do for detox? I'm believe you have written about it all before, but with no archives, would you repeat please? I'm really curious to know how you are feeling now, 6 months after the replacements.

M. G. Devour wrote:

Dear Dee,

We've heard from some folks that the silver in our CS can plate out on mercury fillings and seemingly helps to "neutralize" the surface somewhat. That said, I don't personally trust the idea enough to have left my many fillings in. They were replaced this June.

Amalgams, since the 1970's, are roughly 30% copper, about 10-15% silver, a few percent of things under 1% each, and the balance mercury. So your "silver" fillings are at least 50% mercury... to start with. By the time they're in your mouth a few years the mercury content goes down by quite a lot. The rest is in your body now. <sigh>

Having a dental revision done is a big step. It costs money. You need to study up a *lot* on the subject. Detox afterward is as or more important than the revision itself. It all takes time.

Read everything that applies to you at including some of his books and pamphlets. If anyone proposes to do less than the total Huggins protocol for you, at least you should know all that goes into it and why before you make a decision.

Sadly, I don't think there a safe alternative to getting the darned things out, except for never having them put in in the first place!

Be well,

Mike D.

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