Hi! I just joined this list because of my rapidly growing interest in 
colloidal/ion silver. I will start with a question that has probably been dealt 
with here several times already, but since the archive isn't available for the 
moment there isn't any way I can check it. So I have been reading from many 
different sources/sites about the potential problem of silver ion's in the body 
because of our complex body electrics etc. There is one product out there, 
Silver 100, (www.silver100.com) that is supposed to address this problem with 
some patented "enhanced delivery system". Has someone here tried it and if so 
do you think that this product is a better (or perhaps worse, i.e. just 
advertising hype) choice than the more "classical" products on the market? It's 
a really expensive product comparing to many of the others but of course it 
could very well be worth the extra money in case it really is that much more 

Thank you in advance!

Stefan from Sweden (So bare with me for possible spelling and/or grammar errors 
since English is not my native language..)