Do you have an actual recipe to make the salve? or a link to one?  I live in 
Mexico and cannot just order stuff to be mailed here. 
  Thanks, Pat

Tel Tofflemire <> wrote:
  RE: The old Indian Skin cancer paste, (Black Salve)
and also know by many other names was sold on line by but they were temp. shut down. 

I have made Black Salve with Blood Root herb,
Graviola, Por D'Arco Herb, Dmso, CS, and a couple
other herbs, that worked well on me and a few friends.
It pulls the cancer out buy the roots, and it just
falls off. 

It takes a full day to cook, and prepare, so most
Herb guys don't mess with it. But it does work very
That is why no one talks about it, The FDA will shut
you down !...@%#*
I could be in trouble for saying what I said. But
they can't shoot me for knowing what I know.

--- wrote:

> A friend of mine use an American Indian salve by Two
> Feathers that got to the 
> root and totally irradicated on his face without
> scarring. I remember it was 
> a small jar and ran around $100.

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

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