The timing, circumstances, and Rosemary's own story, just about guarantee the product was Argyrol nose drops, which is a very strong form of mild silver protein. Respected medical publications at the time actually advised doctors to prescribe it. It's still available believe it or not. Rosemary doesn't actually say she took it but its the first product she mentions in her submission to the FDA. She says... "Argyrol in particular has been singled out as one of the most fraudulently advertised. The ingestion of silver causes argyria, gray skin. Look at my photos. I have argyria which I developed about 40 years ago from taking nose drops that contained silver that a doctor in N.Y. prescribed for me." She was told by her doctor to take the drops "intermittently as needed'' and as she had a history of ''always having a cold'' I am guessing that "intermittently" meant almost non-stop for 4 years. (But Rosemary is strangely vague on the question of how much she actually took. Perhaps trying to protect Mum?) I think someone calculated that Argyrol was about 30,000 ppm. From this I calculated that 4 drops a day, every day for 4 years contained the silver equivalent of about 7 entire 7" 14 gauge electrodes. My calculation is probably wrong but whatever, it would have been a heck of a load of silver, delivered directly to the highy absorbent nasal passages. No wonder she got argyria.


From: Ode Coyote <>
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia

Back when the links to studies on Rosemary Jacobs website actually worked, I went and read them. ... [and she never used "EIS" She "may" have used MSP or as she describes it *these days*, "CSP" or Colloidal Silver Protein which is in itself a distortion of the true description of that substance *Mild Silver Protein* which is by no means what "we" make and use. MSP is often sold at a thousand PPM and more. But the fact is, Rosemary doesn't know what she used...daily, sometimes hourly for many many many years. ]

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