I don't understand the salt thing either but I  just began taking DE
(food grade of course) internally, 1 tablespoon per day, this week as I
have had these same problems for the past nine mos and gradually 
getting worse. I am also taking CS internally as I have for the past 18 mos
which makes me wonder if the CS helped push these things to the surface
since I have had a low-grade infection until two weeks ago in which I
contracted a horrible endothelial and  epithelial infection.  I am 
using tea tree oil, CS and a zinc oxide mixture I made up externally. I have
contacted the TV station that ran this story: 

 and am hoping they will get back to me ASAP.  I live in the San Joaquin Valley 
of California and work in a methadone clinic.  The scabies story is believable 
but I have
the mixture of bugs just like the women on the video have.  My doctors
(Kaiser) don't want to "go there" so I am hopeful that someone will. 
 Oh yeah, I tried putting DE on my skin and it made my skin so 
dry that it itched on top of the "bugs".  Go and check my MySpace for pictures 
of my condition:                   


 Please pray for me and my family as we have a lot ahead of us.  God bless.

In His Service,
Scott Young<><
Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.