Craig Chamberlin wrote:
Why not mix it with some saline and inject it between the skin and muscle,
cats (and maybe dogs, don't have them so don't know) will absorb the stuff fairly quickly.
This is how a dehydrated cat is treated.
So you could get a lot of it into the cat.

Don't know about injecting directly into a lump. I have always felt that if cancer is contained in a lump and getting smaller, DON"T poke a hole in it. I lost a mother-in-law, because an itchy surgeon wanted to remove a cancerous lump in her brain, which was responding to radiation therapy, but not fast enough for him. He guaranteed her a normal full life. Yeah, right..can you say metastasized and dead within 6 months. This was back in 1988.

Exactly why I'd use a mix of EIS/DMSO applied topically.

Dehydrated cats and other animals are treated with subcutaneous fluids.......meaning Lactated Ringer's, or Normosol. I don't trust anything else, and would never myself use a homemade solution of any kind for subQ.


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