I have been treating myself for an internal fungal infection for about 2 years. For the first year and a half, I took dr prescribed diflucan, at a low dose. At the same time I followed a strict anti-candida/ antimold diet, similar to what you find online at many candida sites, modified by my severe allergies and dietary preferences (vegan). I also followed a desensitization allergy protocol with this. There are many other details, of course, but to keep it reasonable brief:

Last August, I switched diflucan for CS, as an internal antifungal. Within a few weeks, I stopped my desensitization protocol, instead doing tolerable amounts of cs 3x/day, increasing steadily. So I substituted the cs for both the antifungal and the allergy protocol.

Jan 2, 2007 I went back to the allergist for re-testing, to see how well my homebrew cs stacked up against the dr's protocol, and was happily surprised to find that I was improving at the same rate as if I had been on his program all along!

My healing is somewhat hampered by my ability to tolerate higher amounts of cs. I am only tolerating about 1 and a half teaspoons a day at this point; and I need to be taking more like between 1 and 3 T a day for what I want. It will take awhile for me to get there, but I am improving steadily.

So to get at the foot fungus from the inside out, it may be necessary to take much more cs to get the desired results. The cs works at the cellular level, and it could take awhile to reach eveywhere in the body.

Back to fungal basics: it has a much larger internal network of roots (mycelium) that need to be killed off, and it takes years sometimes with standard antifungals (having to do with how they work, killing only the mycelium, not the spores or fruit) using low doses so it is tolerated by the body without harming the liver.

CS does not hurt the liver at all, and it should achieve the same results- although with my systemic problem, it is taking time to work up to a regular dose, as it exacerbates my asthma if I use too much. I have read that that is a common side effect in people with asthma, until they get up to speed, then the asthma goes away, along with many other symptoms.


What about if you ingest it for fungus/candida/yeast in the blood stream?  Is it effective there as well?  Technically if cs gets into the blood it should work on the foot fungus from the inside out, although probably at a slower rate?

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