Dee said,
> I had always understood that if you had a candida
type infection, then you shouldn't eat anything with
yeast in it. <

One needs to distinguish between live bakers yeast and
dead, cooked nutritional yeast. I have had many
"Candida" clients over the years. About half of them
can eat nutritional yeast freely. The other half can
hardly look at it. The reason for this is that there
are, at last count, over 30 different yeast/fungus
microbes that folks struggle with, all of them called
"Candida". Some of those microbes love nutritional
yeast and will thrive in the body of the person who
eats N. yeast. Others are indifferent to it, and the
folks with those particular yeast microbes can eat N.
yeast freely.

Doctors don't even try to differentiate between one
type of yeast infection and another, but call them all
Candida (even though only one of them is Candida

In 30+ years, I have never seen a food/supplement that
is more effective at stabilizing blood sugar than
nutritional yeast.

Terry Chamberlin

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