You talking about Round-up Ready soy?

There are commercials for that on Tv all the time here.

They have spliced pretty toxic chemicals into it to make it resistant to Roundup. A recent report from China I read somewhere said that the crops require as much pesticide as conventional crops within a few years, so the benefits don't last like the company says it should.

If you look into the expert (non-affiliated) opinions on it, the most probable effect is on allergic reactions- they would expect to see more allergic reactivity in response to consumption of genetically modified foods. I have not read much more than that from the official community.

On Mar 16, 2007, at 2:10 PM, Kurt Voitel wrote:



Just read the post CS>GMO corn causes liver, kidney problems in rats: study.


Read or heard that the change to corn as a staple crop by an early civilization started it’s decline and demise.


Wondering whether produces made from GMO Soy pose the same risk to us?




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  • CS>GMO SOY Kurt Voitel
    • Re: CS>GMO SOY Clayton Family