Read "The Milk Book"  in there it says that during homoginization the fat is
broken down by forcing it through a seive.  It is so small after that it
bypasses digestion and goes right through the wall of the gut directly into
the blood stream......You will also find out why milk is the best food there
is.  But it must be free range grass fed beef, and raw...

On 3/20/07, Ken & Nancy Bagwell <> wrote:


Where did you read this?  I drinks lots of milk and I love it.  but I have
never heard that the calcium is "almost impossible to digest".  To the
contrary, I remember reading studies in the past about calcium sources where
people increased their bone density by drinking milk (but mainly it was
usually focused on other things like calcium supplements or drugs)

"Thisfinished milk-like product is not only very difficult to digest,
there is strong evidence that these plastic-like milk balls accumulate in
various locations in our bodies. The calcium that is locked inside of these
milk-balls is almost entirely indigestible."

-Ken Bagwell

*Terry Chamberlin <>* wrote:

Barbara said,
>Terry, what happened in the early 1900s that it had
such profound and disastrous influence on the health
of the citizens? I know that milk pasteurization
started at that time. Could that be a reason? <

I am oversimplifying it, but what happened in the
early 1900's was commercial farming techniques (put
only 3 minerals back in the soil after harvest), plus
the increasing use of chemical fertilizers and
insecticides. Add to that the wholesale stampede to a
high-grain diet (and processed grains at that), plus
the increasing replacement of actual food with
processed, chemicalized, synthetic "food products" and
you have a recipe for the demise of public health. I
could list other important factors – fast food,
vaccinations, flouride, etc., but you get the idea.

Smitty said,
>I have read that pasteurized milk is BAD for a
person's body. Maybe Terry can expound on this.<

First you take milk from an unhealthy cow that is made
to stand in a tiny enclosure her whole life and eat a
diet that the cow is not designed to eat. She is not
allowed to ever see the sun or get any exercise, and
everything she eats or drinks is full of chemicals
that are designed to increase her milk production at
any cost to her health. (Plus antibiotics to try to
keep her from getting sick in this very unhealthy
environment.) Then you take this unhealthy milk-like
substance and you put it in a pressure cooker (to keep
the milk from boiling or curdling) and heat it up to
500 degrees. This is called pasteurization. I can only
guess what ultra-pasteurization is. Then you force the
milk through a sieve with very tiny holes in it, so
tiny that only high pressure can get the milk to go
through. This compresses the milk fat and the milk
protein together into tiny little balls of compressed
milk. The milk fat no longer rises to the top of the
container. This is called homogenization. This
finished milk-like product is not only very difficult
to digest, there is strong evidence that these
plastic-like milk balls accumulate in various
locations in our bodies. The calcium that is locked
inside of these milk-balls is almost entirely

Jodi W Menard wrote:

> I don't think you can overdose on iron by eating
alot of spinach, for example, because the iron you are
getting in that way is in ionic form. <

Spinach is quite high in oxalic acid. Depending on how
imbalanced your bio-chemistry is and what kind of
imbalance, oxalic acid can greatly contribute to gall
and kidney stones. Iron is one of the minerals our
bodies use that can be ingested in unhealthy levels,
ionic or not. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people
are struggling with levels of iron that are too high.
The doctors only know to bleed you to try to lower
your iron level (rather than seek to bring about a
balanced bio-chemistry). I will admit that it is not a
simple process.

Terry Chamberlin

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