Hi Jeanine...
Yes...I have been leary of asking all the questions I want/need to .
I respect what Mike says about off topic so I just don't ask...which makes me 
a little crazy because this is the only place I know to come to for answers.
So ...Mike...I respectfully second Jeanine's request.
However, if you feel this list should focus on the CS issues as its major 
content...so be it.
I am still  happy to learn about CS....V.
In a message dated 3/25/2007 6:36:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
homestea...@gmail.com writes:

Hey V:
I've been out of town... researching me ole genealogy and couldn't really 
respond... but I wanted to... so here I am !!
This list has helped me to solve a lot of things over the years.  I am very 
very busy with real estate here in Georgia and I had hesitated to re-join the 
list as RE is very paper and email intensive; but I am seeing that it pays off 
because this list (the MSM post somebody posted that MSM will make your atrib 
fib and dizziness go away for instance.... ) well I started doing that - guess 
what?  I haven't had a single spell since.  And when you consider the fact 
that I almost passed out sitting at my computer back in December... that is a 
huge factor!! 
I have noticed a "pattern of deception" over the years with our doctors and 
lawyers.  That is another reason I came back to the list.  I don't pretend to 
have the technical expertise of Brooks Bradley BUT I can tell you that due to 
my husband's job and his abilities and mine (I have sued the big boys more 
times than you can count and won - yep) that I feel that I bring a unique legal 
aspect to our fight for freedom to use these methods for health and life.  I am 
sure I am on some list somewhere as being anti-guvment... read on. 
Anyway; I sent Mike Devour an offlist request which reads as follows - let me 
know if you are like minded....
 I wanted to respond in private to the OT things that spin on the CS list.  

#1 you do a great job of moderating.  I have been on other lists some years 
ago and got off due to the profanity and other issues. But:
#2  The one time I posted a scenario on the OT list - only one person 
responded and I really needed help for that person. (BTW - still do); and
 #3 due to the oppression that we are facing worldwide, do you think we could 
tolerate a lot of OT in the interests of our freedom and mankind? (with the 
exception of hot topics like abortion and politics of course); with politics 
only being applicable with regard to CODEX and things of that nature? 
#4 This list has helped me to overcome dizziness and atrib fib in the last 6 
weeks with an OT subject and I can't even count the other ones over the years 
that it has brought me via the OT subjects.... 
I personally love the CS, of course and just drew out the 3 battery design 
for a cousin to make some for an aunt with a diabetic ulcer... BUT  The reason 
sort of beg for a lot of leniency here is that even in my endeavor to prove 
my genealogy and approach the Scotland Court of Lyons for my nobility, I have 
been stonewalled by our guvment utilizing the privacy act to refuse me copies 
of dead people's information as in my great great grandfather's death 
certificate under the disguise of the Privacy Act (I'm sure you know that I 
them for trying to defraud me...I informed the lady - pretty much gave her 
Miranda rights and proceeded on....  yeppers the state of Georgia wants you to 
$10 whether they produce it or not... but they didn't disclose they wouldn't 
release the death certificate even  if  I had already paid the $10.... luckily 
I am seeing the "pattern of deception" in literally every area of our lives 
!!) BTW I never paid them a cent.  
Needless to say I will be fighting this one - I doubt the privacy act covers 
dead people, especially ones without SSS#'s !!! 

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