Hi Bonnie...
Thats what my daughter says...the vitamin shoppe is the best buy and since 
she goes thru the stuff so fast she gets upset at herself when she runs out and 
has to pay a few dollars more to get it locally...she is still to young to 
have learned not to sweat the small stuff:)
Since she used to drink a LOT diet cola for years and years I consider it a 
major win that I have been able to convince her to switch to the sweet leaf.
I don't like the packets...don't know why...but I had purchased the flavored 
liquid and loved it!
But something was bothering me and I realized that the grapefruit seed 
extract was strickly forbidden in combo with the B.P. medications I was taking 
the time...so I gave the stevia away.
Now that we are having this conversation, I am reminded how much I enjoyed 
the flavored Stevia and will purchase some new bottles..(I am off all B.P. 
medications at this time, and for ever more, I hope).
This is a long post on an off topic subject and I should post right to Pat?  
but then I feel as though I am being rude to the rest of the group.
I wonder where I can find something to sniff spray or ingest that will give 
me some self confidence:(   LOL    V.
In a message dated 3/26/2007 7:47:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jennel...@verizon.net writes:

I buy mine from Amazon.com and a 2oz two pack is about $5-6  for the two pack 
and there is no where you can bet it cheaper.  I love it and also buy the 
packets, but I buy them from the _www.vitaminshoppe.com_ 
(http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/) .  No one can beat their price on the boxes of 
100 packets.
At Amazon just type in stevia extract 2oz and it will bring you to the site 
that sells it through them and I got my package in about three days.  I order 
five two packs at a time.

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