Dear List Member,
About fifteen years ago, my wife was suffering, continually from excessive menstrual flooding. Sometimes so bad emergency hospitalization
was required and blood transfusions administered. This circumstance prompted
our group to conduct an investigation into possible alternative protocols
to address this condition. We were quite unsuccessful until, quite serendipitously.....we were recommended to use wild amaranth seed, in the form of a simple tea. We were both delighted---and shocked----to discover the very powerful, and rapid results. The first time we used it on my wife, positive flow control evinced within 4 hours of the initiation of the protocol. She utilized this protocol, most successfully, for all the remaining years through menopause.
I posted the results of these experimental investigations, to this list, about four or five years ago. Unfortunately, our archives have been
lost as a result of damage to the server the Silver-List was using.....and those posts are not presently available. However, I can state, with confidence, we were successful in every case....from among over 12 consecutive cases-----in stopping this type of excessive blood loss.....without the use of ANY attendant protocol adjuncts. Our results were, to us, near miraculous in nature. Essentially, the basic protocol consisted of placing two teaspoons of mature wild amaranthus seeds into one cup of boiling water and allowing it to steep for 15 minutes. The experimental volunteer then consumed the entire amount at one time. This procedure was repeated every two hours for a total of three consecutive series.....for a single day. No amaranth tea was administered during the night, but depending upon the condition presenting the next morning.....the protocol was either continued, or discontinued....depending upon volunteer's condition. In about half of the cases, the im! provement was so dramatic that NO additional tea was required, as the condition had stabilized quite acceptably. In about 25% of the cases
additional dosage (sometimes requiring and additional two days) was required to obtain satisfactory anti-flooding control. In about 25% of the
cases, four days total were required to gain complete control.....but NO case ever required more than 5 days-----and even then, under reduced protocol frequency of tea once every 4 hours (and never more than a total of 3 consecutive dosages per day).
Three of these cases were so severe at the outset that
transfusions were required and allopathic counsel was demanding immediate
surgical intervention------all three were COMPLETELY stable in three days.
Do understand, we DO NOT give ANY FORM OF MEDICAL ADVICE, being only an EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH group. However, some may desire to consider this experimental protocol in their OWN MEDICAL RESEARCH programs.
Wild Amaranth grows along the roadsides throughout the temperate United States. It matures in late April in the southern states and
every three weeks thereafter for each increment of 100--150 miles northward to the Canadian border....until late June----at which time it has reached its Northern Limits. Amaranth is very easy to recognize when it goes to seed because of its large, heavily-seeded heads. The seeds store quite well for long periods of time.....if kept dry.
We consider this little discovery one of the most rewarding from among a considerable number, encountered over the immediately-past 17 years of our efforts.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. Eric Harborne Research Foundation.
I must go know....good night to all.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Amemia + Hysterectomy

Date : Tue, 27 Mar 2007 18:27:22 -0600

From : G & K Murray <>

To :

HI all,

I have a medical situation, in which I have had pretty heavy bleeding

for the past 12 days and am now very anemic. I have been told that a

hysterectomy is eminent and by rights I should be having a blood

transfusion right now. Regular counts should be 120 and mine is at 77.

Transfusions around 85-90. Tomorrow will tell if I need one. I have

been doing some research but am appealing to my health lists for any

information good or bad towards the situation. I have presently 3 weeks

to wait for the surgery unless things go from bad to worse over the next

few days. I have been put on medication to help control blood flow and

iron to build the blood back up. If things get worse the surgery date

will be moved up. I don't want the surgery but I am out in the middle

of no-mans land with my specialist leaving in 2-3 months. The

alternative specialist for this surgery, if I wait until after this one

leaves, is not a very good option. This doctor is worried about the

anemia being really bad on heart long term. I really have been putting

this off for sometime and have also been turning a blind eye to it.

I would like to hear if anyone has had this procedure and what are some

pros and cons of the effects.

You can email me directly to keep the off topic to a minimum.


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