Years ago, when I had the problem of heavy flow...I found in a Natural 
Alternative squeeze the juice of one lemon (it must be fresh 
into an 8 ounce glass of water..drink.
I don't know why this worked but it did and I used it many times.
Since I cannot take many of the Herbs that are really very helpful, this was 
a godsend for me.  
Have often wondered if it would work the same for others...V.
In a message dated 3/30/2007 10:35:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Brooks wrote:
> quite serendipitously.....we were recommended to use wild amaranth
> seed, in the form of a simple tea. 

I can confirm Brooks' group's results. My wife and daughter rely on 
amaranth seed tea for relief on the occasion that their flows are 
excessively heavy. They usually need only one or two doses over a day 
or two. My daughter reports almost immediate relief just last week when 
she was bleeding a lot.

All I can say is it's one of the clearly successful alternative 
treatments that I've been able to suggest to my family. I'm grateful to 
Brooks and his group for the information.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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