Sol what do you use to measure the CS? Jess

-----Original Message-----
From: sol []
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>(no subject)

Prabably about the same as CS stored in clear bottles.....that is, a 
very long time. I have some CS in a glass jar stored in a closet that 
has been in storage now for about 3 years. The uS reading on my PWT has 
gone up slightly. It now reads just over 39 uS. I assume the actual 
total silver content has lowered because the jar shows some plating and 
some drop out (which is particles dropping/plating out I guess). However 
the ionic portion has been extremely stable over the years of storage.
This is an ongoing experiment in the stability of high ppm clear CS. 
When I made this batch it measured 37.9 uS, and as I said that was at 
least 3 years ago.
sol wrote:
> What is the life of colloidal silver if stored in a dark bottle at room 
> temperature.  Bill

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