The following websites provide excellent info to a
range of relevant subjects.

The Trans-fat issue
Lipid hydroperoxides are contaminants that form from
natural fatty acids when polyunsaturated fats are
heated excessively, which happens in processing and
when these oils are heated for cooking and frying.
Lipid hydroperoxides poison our body's systems just as
trans fats do; in fact, they may even be worse than
trans fats because of their propensity to react with
oxygen and iron, thereby forming free radicals.

All about Splenda

New Danger Associated With Drinking Ordinary Milk

Vit D, Sun & Cancer, Sunglasses

Sunlight and Cancer Prevention
H. Gordon Ainsleigh, DC, "Beneficial effects of sun
exposure on cancer mortality", Preventive Medicine,
January 1, 1993, Vol. 22, Num. 0, pp. 132-140
“In 1941, Apperly reported that overall cancer death
rates increased with distance from the equator, and
were further decreased in areas where a large
percentage of the population was engaged in the
sun-intensive occupation of farming. Compared with
cities located between 10° and 30° latitude, cities
between 30° and 40° latitude averaged 85% higher
overall cancer death rates, cities between 40° and 50°
latitude averaged 118% higher overall cancer death
rates, and cities between 50° and 60° latitude
averaged 150% higher overall cancer death rates. [In
other words, more sun, LESS cancer]

My Dad faithfully took Dr Johanna Budwig's cancer
remedy (from the book "How to Fight Cancer & Win") for
prostate cancer. [eat 1/2 cup of organic cottage
cheese (or quark ), or yogurt, and 2 tablespoons of
organic flax oil twice a day, with two 15 minute
periods of sunlight each day.] He used it as a sweet,
or to compliment a salad. Really it is so absolutely
delicious it should be a regular treat for everyone!!
His doctor was totally amazed at his excellent
results, but he refused to tell his doctor what he was
doing because he said the doctor didn't believe in
natural remedies anyway. He also ate lots of raw
garlic. He smelled dreadful but he said he didn't care
how many friends he lost, just so long as he lost the
cancer. Over a long period of time (year+) his body
odour gradually changed and became quite sweet even
though he still ate the garlic. But he definitely did
beat the cancer!

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