Hi Frank,

I also live in the UK and buy my water from Boots chemist.  It's called
"Ransom's Purified Water" and costs around £6 per 5 litres, and it makes
nice clear C.S.   Someone posted a while back and said (if I remember
correctly),  that there is not really that much difference between
distilled, purified and  ionised water and with regards to making
Colloidal Silver/EIS,  any of these waters are ok to use.



joe bloggs wrote:

I would be very grateful if you could add me to the silver digest list.

I am very new at making colloidal silver - I've made about 8 batches of
8oz colloidal silver, using a home made generator with four 9v
batteries.  I'm fascinated by it all and also not too sure if I'm doing
it right.

My biggest problem is getting hold of distilled water.  I live in
England and you wouldn't believe how rare this stuff is now.  I'm sure I
can remember a time when we could buy distilled water easily.  Now it's
like gold-dust, LOL.  So I'm thinking of buying a distiller.  Only
problem is finance.  I am always totally skint - hence the four 9v

Could I make colloidal silver using de-ionised water, which can be
bought at any garage?  For the moment the choice for me is colloidal
silver using de-ionised, or not make it at all.  In other words, is
de-ionised better than nothing?  Or would it be detrimental?

Thanks in advance for any info or advice.

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