Dear Kirsten, I'm sorry I offended you, but not sorry for sharing my reason for a Happy Easter. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: "Kirsteen Wright" <>
Subject: Re: CS>low sodium on blood test /((( Ruth)))
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 16:29:24 +0100

On 4/7/07, ruth strackbein <> wrote:

Hi, Kirsten, I mean the one who tells us of himself in The Bible,

Well yes - I did kinda gather that but I'm afraid you're wishes are wasted
on me. I don't happen to believe in the Bible. I'm a polytheist. It's not
that I don't believe the Palestinian god Yahweh and his son exist, it's just
that since I, personally don't like their ethics, I don't follow them. I
serve Vesta, Mars is my patron and I work a lot with the Bona Dea. Of
course, as a polytheist, I will turn to any gods I feel would be
appropriate in any particular situation (always providing, of course, they
agree ;-)


Chaos, confusion, disorder - my work here is done

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